

Day 3. Wow. How time flies. This Ramadhan is a little challenging for me as I’m kinda still breastfeeding. Half half. My supply dipped when i had breast biopsy and mastitis.

Iftar today was just hotdog bun with spinach eggs and baked beans. I attempted sweet potato fries but failed miserably. They didn’t even make it to the table. Oh wells.

My convo with Adam:

Me: are you gonna puasa today?
Adam: i da puasa yesterday right?? ( he claimed that he wanted to puasa at 6pm. Till 7.09pm, he kept asking for food)
Me:everyday must puasa until hari raya.
Adam: huh?! But later i hungry how? Later i tak grow how?

So tired and sleepy. My energy level these days barely brings me through the day.

Till tomorrow,

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