

Alhamdulillah! We are here to meet Ramadhan this year. May Allah bless us with all the goodness in this world and hereafter. May all our prayers be heard and answered. Amin.

Ok, this post was supposed to be yesterday's but I needed all the sleep I can get. I started out Ramadhan this year with a low grade fever. We had to rush to A&E on Thursday night because of my palpitations again(my hb shot up to 144bpm; it was really scary and the feeling of being warded gushed over me again). Not the best start but I'm really thankful that I get to meet Ramadhan and spend time with my loved ones.

So because I was nursing a fever, we rested at home the whole day. After Adam's nap(and mine), we went over to my parents' place for iftar.

As usual, mama was busy flying around the kitchen. She prepared so many dishes OMG. All so soowdap. Alhamdulillah. I feel so blessed to be able to spend time with my family like that. It just so happens that we went to my MIL's place for dinner the previous day and everyone was there too. I couldn't ask for more.

I have been having health issues since the pregnancy termination(my mum and my MIL calls it pembawakkan) and I really hope that this Ramadhan can help me heal and find solace.

May we leave this Ramadhan as better Muslims, InshaaAllah,

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