


I have not been updating my YouTube channel lately. Truth is, I've been so caught up with job hunting. I've got lots on my mind. I apologize. I am at that point in my life where I question my quest and purpose. Does Adam really need to be in school at this age? Do I go for the higher paying job (more work and dumb shifts) or the lesser paying job but with office hours? Or a totally different job where I get to sit all day but being paid peanuts? What should I do??????

I blame the society for this. I really do. We live in a society where everything is fast paced and expensive. 

Just yesterday, I saw one of my former schoolmate with is wife and he was driving an Audi. WHAT. Ok, let me get this straight. We are of the same age. I'm guessing same qualifications. Same sluggish attitudes (based on our school years together). WHAT?! So, let's just take it that his parents are filthy rich. Good for him. Or, you know, he could have worked hard over the years. Hmm. Oh well. *shrugs*

Rambut sama hitam, rezeki lain lain. LOL.

Anyhoos, this was Adam at 8 months old. When did he grow? I really don't know. *knocks head on the wall crying like there's no tomorrow*

Being grateful for what I have and for my family's health and happiness,

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