


I think Adam has hives. The red spots that were on his body yesterday, multiplied. And some grew in size. I think I will bring him to the doctor after he gets up from his nap. My sister in law said she had the exact same spots after eating prawns which she is allergic to, apparently. Oh no! What could have caused this reaction? Maybe it was the medicine we gave? Now that I think about it, he started having small spots on the second day he had fever. I brushed it off thinking they were mosquito bites. Argh.

Anyways, job hunting is tiring. Not that there are no jobs out there, I 'm just picky. I really wanted Adam to go to a kindergarten, which we all know will not be happening because, err, let's be real. So I'm surveying childcares for him right now. And most have waiting lines or they are full. Is this a sign that I have to stay at home for one more year? *hint hint*

I placed my resume on a job searching site and I've gotten a few calls but all of them are not very favorable. I mean, working hours wise. Pay wise should be fine. I have this thought of working in a mosque as a kindergarten educator. I would love to enroll Adam in one too! You won't miss your prayers, you feel nearer to Allah and you get shorter working hours. BUT! The pay is waaaay too low. As in below $2k low. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking down on educators working in mosques. I know for sure they deserve waaay more than what they get at the end of each month. That's the frustrating part. So I have to choose; short working hours or money. If you know of any mosques with decent paying jobs pleeeaaase let me know. Argh.

I had my share of working in kindergarten with low pay. I loved the environment, the children, the colleagues, only downside, my paycheck. And, on top of that, you need to come back on countless Saturdays and Sundays without being paid. I don't mind donating my time, ikhlas memang la ikhlas. But at the end of the month, utilities, housing and expenses, they all tak ikhlas. Still need to pay.  -_-''

My puny brain is tired from all the rambling,

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