It's a few minutes to midnight and Adam is asleep. Today Adam's temperature was at 38 degrees when he woke up. After giving him his meds, he was quite whiny and cranky the whole day. Although I must say that he is more active today than the days before. As usual, after 7pm, his temperature went up again. Today is the fourth day of his fever. Just he developed red dots on his arms and legs. They look like mosquito bites or ant bites. I hope it's just a 'I'm getting better' reaction. Wan's eyes will swell if he is recovering from fever. Adam's fever symptoms are by far similar to Wan's. However, if it gets out of hand, we will definitely bring him to the doctor.
Wan said that I've been a good mother *grins creepily* nursing Adam for the past few days so he agreed to Canadian Pizza. I woke up early to cook beef and vegetable soup for Wan (before getting married Wan used to hate soupy dishes, now he gets angry if I cook any other dishes besides soupy ones) but he told me to go ahead and order anyways. Yeay! So as usual, I go for Singapura Special and Hawaiian. Alhamdulillah.
We were supposed to attend a wedding at Hort Park; Wan's schoolmate's. Wan felt really guilty about not going that he insisted on giving the hongbao eventhough we did not attend the wedding. We know that our Chinese friends usually book halal tables for us at their weddings. So for us to forgo their weddings, it makes us feel so small. So he gave his friend a heads up yesterday and his friend was totally empathetic about it. Family first right?
Eating a slice of pizza while telling myself that its ok because it's still 7pm *in denial*,
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