
I'm a day dreamer and a night thinker.

I'm one of those people who stares at nothing for so long yet am not thinking about anything. Right now, it's way past my bedtime but here I am typing in the dark (well not totally dark, I need my big girl AKA night light to sleep).

During the day, I'm so busy with Adam that sometimes I don't even have time for myself. I look like I have not showered for days, my skin needs some TLC and I'm still amidst the battle of post preggie fats and it doesn't look like I'm going to win anytime soon.

Adam is going to school come January and we have registration and finances to think about. Which means I have to start working again. Funny how a year ago I cannot even imagine being a Stay At Home Mum. Now, I'm obsessed and I don't want to go back to work. Don't get me wrong. I want to work but I want to be able to work from home. I want Adam to go to a Kindergarten where he will only need to spend at most 3.5 hrs in school. Having to teach in a childcare for quite sometime, I think it's sad that your child sleeps, eats, showers with a stranger, in this case the teacher.

But hey, I understand the demands of this society. I'm not in anyway judging or belittling your parenting style or preferences. Finance is an issue and the struggle is real. If I have to put Adam in a childcare in order to create a safety net for my family, I will.

So, I have around 8 months to figure out whether I want to teach again or maybe try a different profession. It'd be best if I can secure a 'Work from home' kinda job. But we all know 'ifs' don't put food on the table. So ya.

Not sleepy and my neck is breaking me,

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