

I turned 24! Alhamdulillah. Thank you people for the pressies and well wishes. I appreciate each and every one. We didn't have a family dinner this time for the first year.  :(  

However, bee brought me to S.E.A Aquarium. How awesome is that?! Super awesome. Ok. I'm not a marine enthusiast or somthing like that but the place was so pretty and breath taking. (for me, at least) For bee, it was ok-ok. He was doing what he does best. Checking everybody out and busy being angry at everything in his path. Like, "What the hell??! Can't they read?! It says no flash photography!" or "Annoying or what! People taking photo, anyhow cross our path!" Yup. Grumpy boy. I still love you though. <3

So ya, I had a great time. the displays were breathtaking and majestic. The aquariums were huge and colourful. My favourite section would be the Red Sea, I think. It is a replica of the red sea. It was awesome and HUMONGOUS! there were different sea creatures in it. It was as if the actual sea was right inffront of us and someone just placed a glass as a barrier. It was WOW. How I wish I can bring my family there. If only it is more affordable. Tickets are at $33 per person.

Well, multipy that by 7. $33 x 7 = wait long long. I assure you my parents would rather spend that kind of money elsewhere. And by elsewhere, i mean eating.   =)

And guess who's outline we saw??(cause the entrance of the place was too dark) Norashida Redwan.  =)

More awesome photos in facebook. Soon.  =)

I guess I should try to sleep now. It's 2am! I need to wake up in 3 hours time. Bee is going to kill me. Will be flying off early tomorrow morning. Bee wants to get up nice and early to look around for PS3. Boys will  be boys.

Pray for our safe flight and keep us in your prayers.  <3

P.S: Wear your N95. The haze is crazy thick. My sinusitis is acting up. Hopefully the weather in Bangkok is better. My loved ones, please wear masks. It's the in-thing.  <3