It's already the fourth day of Ramadhan! Wow. I'm really enjoying my time at home during Ramadhan. I never thought I will ever get the chance to be a SAHM before 40. Well even if it's just temporary. If you have the means, try it! Even for a few months. I know of many friends who would want to be a SAHM. InshaaAllah, one day.
Anyway, for iftar, it was a simple one. Toasted bread, spicy baked beans and sautéed brocolli with onion. Here's the thing, I'm a toasted bread kind of girl. Even when my parents buy Sup Tulang with baguette, I will toast the baguette first. I'm petty like that.
Just now I decided to watch a hindi movie; Mr Joe B Carvalo. It was quite hilarious. One of the few hindi movies which did not make me cry buckets.I would recommend it to Baba. He loved Three Idiots, I'm sure he would love this movie!
Today Adam's crankiness was no exception. I had to be extra active to keep him distracted. He loves pompoms. I'm looking for the bigger ones but they don't have it in Daiso. I've seen smaller ones though.

And of course, it's not a normal day if he doesn't wear his toys as hats. Just a normal day. Ladeedumdeedum~
Wan talked about checking out Bazaar Geylang. We saw lots of adverts about the food stalls this year. Very tempting. However, same debate every year. Is it really worth our perspiration, energy and anger? It will be super crowded, hot, humid, everyone will be angsty, noisy, long queues for everything and did I mention hot? We brought Adam last year but we only lasted about an hour and then we gave up. Now that Adam is older, I think it's not going to make any difference. We are just going to put him in his carrier and carry him around. Maybe next week? A week night maybe? We'll see.
Eating sour cola bottle-shaped Yupi like I just don't care,
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